Sunday, March 18, 2012


This is the list of shrine effects copied from Jarulf's Guide (an excellent D1 resource). It is always recommended to check what a shrine does before clicking it as some can have permanent damaging effects to your character.


Blood Fountain - Restores 1 life per click.
Fountain of Tears - +1 to one attribute, -1 to another attribute.
Murky Pool - Casts an Infravision spell.
Purifying Spring - Restores 1 mana per click.


Abandoned Shrine - +2 dexterity.
Creepy Shrine - +2 strength.
Cryptic Shrine - Casts a Nova spell and restores mana
Divine Shrine - Restores health and mana. Gives one Potion of Full Mana and one Potion of Full Life.
Eerie Shrine - +2 magic.
Eldritch Shrine - All potions become rejuvenation potions.
Enchanted Shrine - Lose 1 slvl for one spell (2 if it is at level 15). All other known spells gain 1 slvl.
Fascinating Shrine - Lose 10% of base mana and increases Firebolt 2 slvl.
Glimmering Shrine - Identifies all items in your inventory.
Hidden Shrine - -10 durability to one item equipped. +10 durability to all others equipped (never destroys an item).
Holy Shrine - Casts a Phasing spell.
Magical Shrine - Casts a Mana Shield spell.
Mysterious Shrine - +5 to one attribute, -1 to all others.
Ornate Shrine - Lose 10% of base mana and increases Holy Bolt 2 slvl.
Quiet Shrine - +2 vitality.
Religious Shrine - Restores all items to full durability.
Sacred Shrine - Lose 10% of base mana and increases Charged Bolt 2 slvl.
Secluded Shrine - Gives complete map of current level.
Spiritual Shrine - Gives a small amount of gold to each empty slot in your inventory.
Spooky Shrine - All other players get life and mana restored.
Stone Shrine - Restores charges in all staves.
Tainted - Does not affect user but other players get +1 to one attribute and -1 to all other attributes.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Obviously when you find a really cool item or an awesome room filled with gold you gotta take a screenshot!

To screenshot in Diablo 1 all you need to do is press the "print screen" button. This saves a screenshot in the Diablo folder. The file type is .pcx which is very old and can not be opened by mspaint. To open it and save it as another file type you will need a program such as Photoshop or Gimp. Gimp is free and has most of the capabilities of Photoshop so I recommend using it!